venerdì 23 agosto 2019

Fair Treatment?

Welcome to The Spot Writers. August’s prompt is to use these five words in a story or poem: besides, fishes, inn, owing, born.

Today’s post comes from Phil Yeats. Last December, Phil (using his Alan Kemister pen name) published his most recent novel. Tilting at Windmills, the second in the Barrettsport Mysteries series of soft-boiled police detective stories set in an imaginary Nova Scotia coastal community is available on Amazon.

Fair Treatment?
 by Phil Yeats

I sat in the country inn waiting for my co-conspirators. Did anyone besides me harbour doubts about our plans for the evening? Our target was beyond redemption, a privileged individual born to wealth but no more than a petty criminal, a conman owing money to everyone. And his latest scheme, if it succeeded, would destroy the town and impoverish all its citizens. We’d exhausted all other options, but was it right that tonight he would sleep with the fishes?

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