mercoledì 10 novembre 2021

One week at a time

Welcome to The Spot Writers. This month, the prompt is: Someone has a superpower but only for one day a week.

This week’s contribution comes from Chiara De Giorgi. Chiara is currently in Berlin, Germany, doing her best to catch up with semi-abandoned writing projects. Her YA novel “Mi chiamo Elisa” was published in Italy by “Le Mezzelane Casa Editrice” in September 2020. Coming soon, a children’s book about Quantum Theory: “Chiara e il gatto di Schrödinger”.


One week at a time

by Chiara De Giorgi

Photo by Sdf Rahbar on Unsplash

The day I gained my powers was the day I tried to tell Kim I liked her for the first time.

My crush on her was serious, and I was sure she liked me back, but she was shy and I… I felt as inept in that area as George McFly in “Back to the future” before his son Marty went back in time and changed things.

Kim and I were sitting on a bench just outside school. I wanted to take her hand, but my own hands were too sweaty for that, so I decided to improvise and that was the moment I went full George McFly and told her huskily: “I’m your density”.

I shouldn’t have compared myself to the guy so much in my mind. Kim looked at me, quite puzzled, then one of her girlfriends called her and she ran away.

Frustrated, I went home, thinking what a shame it was that we’d never be together. I was still brooding, when a paper airplane came in through the open window and landed on my desk. I picked it up and realized there was a message written on the wings. “Want to go back in time and try again?” asked one wing. “Once a week, you can” replied the other.

I laughed. Was that some kind of prank? I looked out the window but saw no one. Whoever had sent me the missive wasn’t around anymore. After pondering the situation for a minute, I shrugged and said out loud: “Okay. Let’s go back, then.”

In the blink of an eye, I found myself sitting on the bench with Kim. My pulse quickened: I had another chance; I mustn’t blow it. But of course I did. I was too stunned to utter a single sound, her girlfriend called her, and off she went. But this time I was full of hope: next week, I’d try again.

One week passed and back in time and to the bench I went. I was so exhilarated, that I started laughing and could not stop. On a positive note, Kim started laughing with me. On a negative note, we were still laughing when her friend called her and she was gone once again.

The following week, in my trip back to the past, I asked Kim to meet me at the library in two hours, because we needed to talk. She gave me a smile that filled my heart with joy, and as I crossed the street, I was thinking that this would be the day when Kim and I finally got together. A silly grin on my face, I didn’t notice the car running towards me, and got hit. My leg and my phone broke, I ended up in the emergency room and could not tell Kim about the accident. The next time I saw her, she was accompanied by a very tall, very blond-haired, very blue-eyed guy she had met at the library. And I was forced to see her with him for weeks afterwards, because I could not go back to the afternoon we had sat together on the bench until my leg was healed, it would be confusing to have it broken before the accident ever happened. The blond guy was a decent guy, I must admit, however I knew that he was wrong for Kim, because he wasn’t me. I promised myself (and, secretly, I promised Kim, too) that I would resume my time-travels as soon as my leg was fixed.

I won’t bore you with the account of all my failed attempts at confessing my love to Kim. There were many, and I was worried I’d grow old before I was able to do that properly.

One day I was feeling particularly discouraged, but it was the one day in the week when I could go back in time, so I did it. As usual, we were sitting on the bench, and I was scowling, foreseeing another disaster.

“Are you okay?” Kim asked me. “You look vexed.”

“Yeah”, I replied, a bit rudely. And then I told myself, Go ahead and just tell her how you feel, blow it, it doesn't matter, you’re going to be back in a week’s time anyway! So I said: “I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I like you since forever, but I can never find the words or the way or the right moment… I’m such a loser!”

“Oh?” she said. I didn’t look at her, I was too disheartened. After a couple of seconds, she took my hand. “I like you, too”, she whispered. I turned my head and looked at her. She was smiling.


 The Spot Writers—Our Members:

 Val Muller:

 Catherine A. MacKenzie:

 Phil Yeats:

 Chiara De Giorgi:


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