Welcome to The Spot Writers. The current prompt: write a poem or story in which one of the characters is a weather, personified.
Cathy’s novels, WOLVES DON’T KNOCK, a psychological drama, and
MISTER WOLFE, the darkly dark sequel or stand-alone novel (18+), are available
on Amazon. MY BROTHER, THE WOLF, the last of the series, is scheduled for
release in 2023.
She continues with her wacky, weird Melvin character. She has
become totally engaged with this character.
by Cathy MacKenzie
I’m a pariah, a scorned woman: loathed, mocked, neglected. No
wonder I seek revenge. We women are like that, are we not?
I was betrayed in so many ways by Vincent—Vincent, whom I loved
dearly. Never recovered from the demise of our relationship. My rage now gets
the better of me more often than not.
When I saw the guy on the lake in his blue kayak and three kids
in the other, I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t care whether they were males or
females, adults or children.
In retrospect, I should’ve blown the adult to hell—not the
youngsters. They were small. Innocent. Defenseless. They didn’t stand a chance
after I’d blown my sorry stack.
I tried to make amends after I’d cooled down. I saved one—the form
closest to the surface of the water. I blew that bloody body to shore, hoping
he or she would survive.
After that, I flounced back across the waters, praying I could
save the other two children. Alas, I couldn’t find either one. I saw the guy,
though—a blatant bastard, posing in pretence upon the sandy shore. Oh, how I
wish I’d hurricaned him back into the water and huffed and puffed until he vanished
into the depths of Sinclair Lake as the two youngsters had.
Alas, my power dissipated, and I disappeared into the realm of
the unknown.
Never fear: I shall return. All winds blow again.
And when I return, I’ll be Violent Violet once again. Violet without willpower. Violet, who blows her stack at the least little provocation. Violet seeking vengeance.
Man in the kayak: beware!
The Spot Writers—Our Members:
Val Muller: http://www.valmuller.com/blog/
Catherine A. MacKenzie: https://writingwicket.wordpress.com/wicker-chitter/
Phil Yeats: https://alankemisterauthor.wordpress.com
Chiara De Giorgi: https://chiaradegiorgi.blogspot.com/
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