giovedì 13 ottobre 2022

I am a raindrop

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to write a story that features someone dancing in the rain.

This week’s contribution comes from Chiara De Giorgi. Chiara is currently in Berlin, Germany, doing her best to catch up with semi-abandoned writing projects. Her YA novel “Mi chiamo Elisa” (My name is Elisa) was published in Italy by “Le Mezzelane Casa Editrice” in September 2020 and recently in Turkey with the title “Benim adım Elisa”. Her children’s book “Şebnem ve Schrödinger’in Kedisi” (Chiara and Schrödinger’s cat) was published this year in Turkey by Sia Kitap and in Italy with the title: “Chiara e il Gatto di Schrödinger”.


I am a raindrop

by Chiara De Giorgi


Image by Antonio López from Pixabay

I am a raindrop, but that is not what I always was.

When you’re water, like I am, you need to obey some laws.

You never go from Earth to sky, no matter how hard you want to try.

You also never travel from bottom to the top, and once you start running, there’s no way you can stop.

However, there are tricks and useful skills that make it possible for me to go and climb hills,

And from there to join a river, stream, or brook, then reach the ocean with its marvellous outlook.

And once I am in the deep South or North, I am turned into ice and start floating forth.

All this traveling and transformation allowed me to enjoy Creation

From every point of view: from the heavens, high and blue,

To dark corners in a cave, to the oceans’ churning waves.

And one day, quite unexpectedly, I fell in love, as softly as abruptly.

Since then, I’ve followed her wherever she would go: under a bright, hot sun, as well as in the snow.

I’ve been on her brow, a bead of sweat; a tiny droplet in the warm breath

Escaping her lips; a dew drop on her fingertips;

A tear flowing from her eye, rolling down her cheek, ending in a sigh.

I like to see her happy, I love her smile, but happiness sometimes can be fragile.

I want to hear her laugh in the middle of the night, and whatever’s wrong with her, I want to make it right.

She’ll be serene and peaceful, again and again, for I’ll have her dance with me, laughing in the rain.


* * *

The Spot Writers—Our Members:

Val Muller:

Catherine A. MacKenzie:

Phil Yeats:

Chiara De Giorgi:


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