mercoledì 24 maggio 2023

Little Boat has a Dream

Welcome to The Spot Writers. Prompt: write a story using the following words: boat, flowers, snow.

This week’s contribution comes from Chiara De Giorgi. Chiara is an Italian author and currently lives in Berlin, Germany. She writes fiction, with a focus on children’s literature and science fiction.


Little Boat has a Dream

by Chiara De Giorgi


Wepik text-to-image

There once was a boat that went down a stream

And she was distracted because of a dream

She knocked out a seagull, she bumped a carp

She almost tumbled over a bard and his harp

“I’m chasing a dream!” she cried enthusiastic

“I will see the snow and it will be fantastic!”


“Slow down, little boat, slow down”, said the frog

“There is no snow that way”, barked the dog

“You’re going to the sea”, buzzed ten little bees

But the boat sailed on, enjoying the breeze

“The snow must be near”, she chanted with glee

“You are all very wrong, I don’t see the sea!”


So distracted was she, that she closed her eyes

She was laughing and joyful, but not very wise

And so she sailed on, and then on and ahead

And she almost hit a skunk on the head

“Stop, little boat, you’re going too fast!”

She was in a field, she stopped at last


“I don’t understand”, the little boat said

“The snow is not here, there’s flowers instead.

I want to go home, my dream was all wrong.”

She was far from home, the way back was long

“You can stay with me, my house is near here”,

The squirrel invited her, “You don’t have to fear!”


“There are no wrong dreams”, said the dragonfly,

“And those who dream much can fly very high!”

The boat was suddenly happy again

“I have a new dream! And I won’t complain!”

“What is your new dream, little boat?” said the ant

But the boat was already climbing up a plant


“I am going to fly! I will soar through the sky!”

The others were worried and - I will not lie -

They called the snake to ask for advice

He slithered and twisted and then hissed twice

“Come down, little boat, let us have a talk.

You cannot go fly as I cannot go walk.”


“So what can I do, my dreams are too pretty

To give them up now, it would be a pity.”

A family of storks who lived nearby

Heard her and promised, “We’ll give it a try!”


They picked up the boat and lifted her high

“Look at me, my friends, I am in the sky!

And there, far away, on the mountains below…

I’m sure that white thing is finally snow!”


So thanks to her friends the little boat could

Fulfil all her dreams, and feel happy and good.




The Spot Writers—Our Members:

Val Muller:

Catherine A. MacKenzie:

Phil Yeats:

Chiara De Giorgi:

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