sabato 7 ottobre 2023

The magic of crochet - A story with a happy ending

How does it feel to be possessed? A real-life testimony

(skip to the happy ending)

I spent my childhood at Catholic school and the nuns were determined to make good wives out of us unfortunate daughters of the 70s. Which means that, while the male children were outside playing catch and the like, we stayed in and learned how to crochet. Well, that’s what we were supposed to do anyway. I, being a liberal child, couldn’t care less about being groomed to be a good wife, but I’ve always loved learning new stuff, and the whole setup looked like a private club of sorts, giving us girls the opportunity to create sorority bonds and all that. 

But I was especially blissfully oblivious of my own limits. 

For 5 whole years, I dutifully worked at my project: a shawl. Which my mom thankfully completed for me one day before I was supposed to show my 5-year crocheting production at school. I won’t lie: it was a small-kid-sized shawl. It was a shock for me to see the 5-year crocheting production of the other girls. They brought to school piles and piles of potholders, shawls so long they grazed the floor, blankets and bedspreads... an entire crocheted dowry. Focused as I was on my (only) project, I had never noticed their progress. 

Needless to say, I never lifted a crochet hook ever again. 

Fast forward 25 years (more or less), my Only Daughter decided she would learn how to crochet. Genetics is a weird thing. She studied YouTube tutorials and started her first project. At one point, she was stuck and she asked me for help. I laughed it off, but she insisted and, as I’m tender-hearted, I gave in. As soon as she put hook and yarn in my hands, my treacherous hands started doing the moves all by themselves. 

“Wait, stop! How did you do that?” Daughter wanted to know. 

I was in a panic, my hands completely out of control, crocheting like there was no tomorrow. 

“I don’t know!” I kept crying. “I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing!” 

At long last, I managed to slow down my hands just enough that she got the movement (she, not I... to this day I have no idea what that is). 

And from there she thankfully became an independent crocheteer. 

She’s so good, in fact, that she has started a small business

So if you like crochet and funny stories with an unexpected twist and a happy ending, you should give her stuff a look! You can also follow her on Instagram.

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